Pandora Comics Wiki

Brain Cramps is a not-quite comic in which readers are presented with a riddle, puzzle or mystery to solve.

Major info[]

Group: Crater Features, formerly Moonbase

Creator: Oren Otter

Current artist: Oren Otter

Style: Pencil

Setting: Usually Puzelburg,Earth, sometimes outer space

Premise: Solve the puzzle.


Although Brain Cramps places greater emphasis on puzzles rather than character development, there are certain characters who have had recurring appearances.

NOTE: Sometimes the solution to a puzzle is related to a certain detail of a character's life. Beware of spoilers below!

  • Bob the Hippo: Roommate of Ollie the Otter. Although Bob is usually seen with Ollie the Otter, he once makes a visit to the dentist without him, giving him the most appearances out of everyone in the comic.
  • Ollie the Otter: Roommate and best friend of Bob the Hippo. After Bob, he is the frequently-recurring character in the comic. He is very active, but he sometimes goes overboard. He lives with two parents, seven brothers and two sisters.
  • Anton the Giraffe: A bad-tempered gardener who cares a lot about his plants.
  • Granny Whiskers: An elderly but sprightly housecat who is heavily into crafts.
  • Anne the Leopard: A sleepwalker who is never quite fully awake.
  • Jim the Raccoon: The local merchant of a knick-knacks store. He has a reputation for getting into trouble.
  • Freddy the Ferret: A citizen of the moon. He has an alien friend named Zbrt.
  • Bill the Penguin: A penguin who likes to travel around the world. He is currently engaged to a crane from China.
  • Phillip the Beaver: A home-owner who has a few problems with his house.
  • Lord Jhirk: An evil dictator owl who loves to torment prisoners with logic puzzles.
  • Farmer Clyde: A simple country dog.
  • Fran the Seal: She works at the British Embassy in Australia, has a twin sister named Jan in the U.K., and has traveled at least once with Bill.
  • Jan the Seal: The twin sister of Fran the Seal and friends with Ollie.

External Links[]

Brain Cramps home page
