Crater Features is the subgroup of Pandora which includes all features that are not actually comics or sonics.
Woofy's Word Search, a word search puzzle containing words relating to the latest happenings in Pandora Comics. Once the puzzle is finished, players can use the word list to play "Scavenger hunt", going through the comics to look for the items listed.
Mazes, a collection of mazes in the shapes of Pandora characters
Crossword, an interactive crossword game based on Pandora comics
Horrorscapes, a darkly humorous parody of the astrology column
Brain Cramps, a series of riddles, mysteries and logic puzzles set mainly in the fictional town of Puzelburg.
Cryptids, a spinoff of Brain Cramps, features secret messages about mysterious animals in a letter substitution cypher, or "cryptogram"
Pandora's Kitchen, featuring just about any Pandora who can cook, is an online cookbook filled with entrees, deserts and more.
Tongue Tanglers, funny, illustrated tongue twisters
Pandoku, a sudoku puzzle, which, instead of numbers, uses the faces of Pandora characters.
Og's Dungeon Maps, a new sort of puzzle in which the player must deduce the location of all the walls, knowing only how many walls border each floor tile.